Covid-19 Policies
Camp In-Person Protocols & Procedures

We are very excited to be able to open Digital Dragon’s doors and we look forward to seeing you and your children again at our in-person camps! We also realize this may be stressful to send your kids into a social situation. We believe interacting with peers can be a healthy way for children to cope with stress and connect with others.
We want you to know we take the health and safety of our campers and staff seriously. Here is a summary of actions we are taking to help ensure we are lowering COVID-19 risk as much as possible.
All staff and campers will be required to wear a face covering at all times and maintain safe social distancing. All our instructors are vaccinated. Campers will have their own (not shared with other campers) technology and workspace for the duration of their week with us. Our day camps will run with the 8:1 camper/teacher ratio. Siblings are encouraged to sit together.
- Contactless drop-off and pick-up in the parking lot, parents will drop/pick-up from their car or walk to our door.
- Temperature and symptom checks of all campers upon their arrival
- Masks required at all times indoors, with the exception of lunch, snack or drinking times
- High-touch areas frequently wiped down
- Water refill area monitored use only – with intense disinfection practices.
- No touch trash cans
- Doors and windows will be open to allow for appropriate air flow
Class Time:
- Campers will maintain distancing at all times.
- Campers will have their own designated workstation with the supplies they will need for their week of camp.
Breaks and Meal Time:
- Campers must have their own lunch, snack, and recyclable water container. If we do supply snack or serve special treats, it will be individual servings.
- No sharing of food items will be allowed.
- Lunch and snacks will be eaten outside in well ventilated areas.
- Activities will be contactless and observe social distancing
- We will be promoting healthy hygiene practices: hand washing will be done throughout the day.
We ask that you help us protect the health of campers this summer. Anyone who is sick or was sick with COVID-19 or recently in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days— including staff, campers, and families— should not come to camp. Be on the lookout for symptoms of COVID-19, which include fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, and loss of taste or smell. Call your doctor if you think you or a family member is sick.
We encourage all our clients to be vaccinated as soon as possible. Let’s all do our part!
If you have a specific question about this plan or COVID-19, please contact us at: for more information. You can also find more information about COVID-19 at or on CDC’s website for youth and summer camps (
We look forward to seeing you.
Thank you and stay healthy,
Digital Dragon Team