Head Out of the Cloud!

Head Out of the Cloud!

Should you hold onto your DVD’s, CD’s, and Video Games?     What is the future of your media – should you still be in the Cloud? Was that the sound of fireworks? Is it already July? As we look forward to all the festivities around July,...
Summer Building Blocks for Everyone!

Summer Building Blocks for Everyone!

Ready to Play with those famous colorful bricks?   Some fun summer game suggestions with LEGO! As we plunge into the summer hustle, let’s not forget to play! I recently presented a workshop at a regional nonprofit that advocates for high-quality care and...
Importance of Summer Learning

Importance of Summer Learning

What should be on the docket this summer?   Remake your kids’ summer! The birds are chirping and the flowers are blooming! On this side of the United States, we’ve already kicked off Remake Learning Days 2024! Remake Learning Days is an innovative learning...
LEGO – Brick by Brick Clubs!

LEGO – Brick by Brick Clubs!

LEGO® Does It Again. All in All…Not Just Another Brick!   Learn about the latest community building program from LEGO! Things are really starting to click in this month’s post! Recently, Carnegie Mellon University has announced its partnership with a U.K....
Digital Dragon Celebrating 10th Anniversary

Digital Dragon Celebrating 10th Anniversary

Looking Back and Ahead with Digital Dragon Co-Founders! What is in the secret sauce of the tech education business? Learn what the future holds! This certainly is the year of the Dragon! As our very own Digital Dragon celebrates a decade of bringing engaging tech...
Pretend Play – What Is That?

Pretend Play – What Is That?

How parents can support Pretend Play!   Learn more about what our kids are learning as they pretend! There is currently a lot going on in our household. Our family grew by +1 kiddo and our older toddler is doing what toddlers do best: learning through play...
Pokémon Concierge Review

Pokémon Concierge Review

New Show Alert – What Can We Learn From It?   Watch and Learn Old School – Cool Stop Motion Too! The hustle and the bustle of the holiday season has subsided for some of us, but for others, there’s still excitement buzzing about. In our household,...
The Perfect Holiday Gift Guide

The Perfect Holiday Gift Guide

Digital Dragon Presents Our Annual Gift Guide for Kids – Big and Small!   Shopping Tips for Everyone on Your List! On Dasher, on Dancer, on Donner, on Digital Dragon! With the holidays racing by, this month we’ve compiled a gift guide for your Brood…and...
Does Your Child Have an App Addiction?

Does Your Child Have an App Addiction?

Alert – Tech Zombies Are on the Loose!   Learn About the Flip Side to Play Time! There are plenty more tricks and treats afoot as we continue through the festive season. Way back when I was but a young Digital Dragon, I worked with Seth and Laurie to launch...
Trick or Treat: Game & Tech Edition

Trick or Treat: Game & Tech Edition

What is on the treat list for this fall?!     NEWS: Updates in the Tech Space! In our region of the country, the leaves are turning and the Fall decorations are rolling out. From jack-o-lanterns of all shapes and sizes to oversized yard skeletons, Halloween...