Summer Camp - Daily Tech Adventure!
Digital Dragon’s Summer Camp program is for kids ages 7-14 interested in exploring the latest and greatest in technology all while having fun!
Looking for a few days of camp here and there spread out across the summer? Perhaps you won’t know for sure what your summer schedule is going to be very far in advance? Our single day camp options are designed exactly for this!
Scroll down to view our full summer schedule, learn more about summer camp themes and daily schedule, after care, and policies.
JUNE 8 – AUGUST 21, 2020
Ages: 7-14
Description: Join Digital Dragon for a fun tech adventure day. Our new daily option opens up a world of possibilities. Book now for one or several days that fits your busy summer schedule. Each day students will be exposed to a different tech theme; 3D Game Design, YouTube Video Production, Minecraft: Redstone Engineering, Music Production, and some new surprises! All aspects of STEAM learning will be covered throughout the summer.
Kids bring a lunch and head to the local park for outdoor time and field games.
Click below and head to our calendar to choose the dates you want.
Please book 24 hours in advance! Slots are based on availability. Call us day-of at 8am to check on same day openings.
DIGITAL DRAGON STUDIO: 1453 14th Street, Suite C – Santa Monica, CA 90404
$115/per day

- 8:30-9:00am: Drop Off/Free Play
- 9-11:30am: Introductions/Morning Lesson/Tech Activities
- 11:30am-1pm: Outdoor time at local park – Field Games & Lunch (Pack a lunch and bring a water bottle)
- 1-3:30pm: Afternoon Lesson/Tech Activities/Snack
- 3:30-4pm: Pick Up/Free Play
NEED THE KIDDOS TO STAY LONGER? (IF we hold in-person camp this summer)
- We are offering After Camp Care: All Tech Free Play & Movie Watching!
- 4-5pm Daily – Directly after camp
- Must sign up in advance, 24 hour notice to guarantee a spot. Please call for day-of sign ups or ask at drop-off.
- Based on availability
- $15/Hour
- Full refund, up until 3 weeks prior to camp date.
- No credits nor refunds for absences due to illness or otherwise.
- Daily Option may be rescheduled with advance notice and based on availability.
- Please click here to see our terms and policies.